Jica Cooperation
COIL Joint Sessions – Sophia University
On December 6th 2023 ; LACC’s Students presented the 2nd session of the 2nd round of the COIL online joint sessions between E-JUST and Sophia University students.
EJUST students presented 2 topics :
1- The boycott of international products and it's impact on national products.
2- The Role of trademarks in protecting traditional handicrafts.
On December 20th 2023 ; LACC’s Students presented the 3rd session of the 2nd round of the COIL online joint sessions between E-JUST and Sophia University students.
EJUST students presented 2 topics about the War on Gaza and Human Rights
2-Protracted Social Conflict

E-JUST-JKUAT-Sophia Exchange session
During the 1st week of December 2023
In cooperation with JICA and under the supervision of DrAmalRefaat ,
100 students from E-JUST and Sophia University held serious of online sessions
they discussed student life within the university to enhance cultural exchange and understanding between them and strength the relations between the participants.

Enhancing Liberal Arts Education Workshop
On November 21st and 22nd ,2023 ; Dr. TERANO Mayumi, JICA Expert for Ministry of Higher Education and Former JICA E-JUST Project Academic Advisor in charge of Liberal Arts Education presented a 2-days workshop for the LACC Academic members about :
“Enhancing Liberal Arts Education in E-JUST”
The Workshop Objectives were :
1- Knowing the history and current trend of LA Education in the world
2- Sharing within LACC the original concept of E-JUST LA Education through knowing its development process and social context.
3-Discussing the possible expansion of E-JUST LA Education in the current social and E-JUST context.
After the Workshop , A Visit to Graeco-Roman museum in Alexandria was organized by the LACC To Prof Terano and E-JUST Members